Training Wheels
I made him wear a helmet. I don't care; there will be no skull fracture if I can help it.
We bought him one of those push bicycles but he wouldn't pedal. We tried everything. He liked tricycles at other people's homes but outgrew them before we could purchase one.
We bought him a bike with training wheels. He outgrew it.
We bought him a larger bike with training wheels, but when we took the training wheels off, he still couldn't do it.
It all has to do with upper body weakness and low muscle tone. I read that's part of my son's diagnosis. What that has to do with autism or asperger's syndrome, I'll never know.
We gave up on it or rather, we let it go. My husband and I had tried our best and if he couldn't ride a bike, so be it. There are so many more worse things in life than that.
But that sunny afternoon, my husband called me from our side door and let the screen slam shut. I hate that noise and so does he, so I ran out; my husband does not let a screen door slam for nothing.
I walked to our front sidewalk and there he was. In fifth grade, yes, but riding without training wheels and beaming.
How many prayers had gone up for that small childhood milestone. My husband and I watched him pedal past us and felt a couple of fears lift off our shoulders and vanish.
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Beautiful. As a biker myself (mountain mostly, but the rolling hills of SoDak are calling for a road bike), I get this. I get this so much because I had trouble as a kid with the training wheels. My moment in the sun came in third grade - and I've never looked back. Fabulous.
Soul Trade
I never had training wheels. My dad ran behind me, holding the seat to keep me steady, until I was ready to try on my own. His dedication still boggles my mind, 23 years later.
I had a lot of wipe outs, learning to ride, but he also taught me to bear my scars with pride. The pains we struggle through to achieve our goals make the results more valuable by giving us a useful comparison... hahaha!
I'm very happy to hear that the moment finally arrive! :)
A great post. I remember the feeling of achievement when I cracked it. A great milstone in a kid's life.
That should be 'milestone'
Yeah, dead good! great achievement!
It was. We ran beside him and tried for years. He'd have a little meltdown and that was that. No amount of coaxing would help.
We are so proud of how far he has come.
Can you belive it, I can't ride a bike?
blowing over that mug of coffee
Sounds like between prayer and determination he will do fine.
My whole blog is being saved for TK because I have Lou Gehrig's disease. I want him to know me. Thank you!
Not just an achievement, but symbolic of confidence,courage,determination.
a scene to remember and share. your son has "true grit". a young man to truly be proud of. In my mind, God is molding an Angel
What a beautifully written account, of a heart warming memory :)
A fracture in the time loop of our now
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